The first step would combine all the insert statements into one transaction and store all that into one statement. so that when we execute that statement, the entire transaction works as defined.
What I learned of Transactions is
- The transaction is a collection of more than one operations happening on a database. However, all these operations are a complete package. if any one of the operation fails then the all other operations is incomplete. I hope you get the crux.
- T-SQL provides a very good way to programmatically handle errors.
- In the event of failure, you can Rollback transactions.
- They are precompiled and stored and can be run directly
If you need more information on Transactions, Being, Try, Catch, please refer
Below is the sample code
/************************************************************* * * * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.* * * *************************************************************/ --****************** [ DWAdventureWorksLT2012Lab1 ETL Code ] *********************-- -- This file will flush and fill the sales data mart in the DWAdventureWorksLT2012Lab1 database --***********************************************************************************************-- Use DWAdventureWorksLT2012Lab01; go --********************************************************************-- -- Create ETL Views --********************************************************************-- If (object_id('vETLDimCustomersData') is not null) Drop View vETLDimCustomersData; go CREATE VIEW vETLDimCustomersData AS SELECT [CustomerID] = T1.CustomerID , [CompanyName] = Cast(CompanyName as nvarchar(200)) , [ContactFullName] = Cast([FirstName] + ' ' + [LastName] as nvarchar(200)) FROM [AdventureWorksLT2012].[SalesLT].[Customer] as T1; go If (object_id('vETLDimProductsData') is not null) Drop View vETLDimProductsData; go CREATE VIEW vETLDimProductsData AS SELECT [ProductID] = T1.[ProductID] , [ProductName] = T1.[Name] , [ProductColor] = IsNull( Cast( T1.[Color] as nvarchar(50)), 'Not Defined') , [ProductListPrice] =T1.[ListPrice] , [ProductSize] = IsNull( T1.[Size], -5) -- A value could be entered, but the source data has not yet defined it , [ProductWeight] = T1.[Weight] -- Leave null for proper weight calculations , [ProductCategoryID] = T2.[ProductCategoryID] , [ProductCategoryName] = T2.[Name] FROM [AdventureWorksLT2012].[SalesLT].[Product] as T1 JOIN [AdventureWorksLT2012].[SalesLT].[ProductCategory] as T2 ON T1.ProductCategoryID = T2.ProductCategoryID; go If (object_id('vETLFactSalesData') is not null) Drop View vETLFactSalesData; go CREATE VIEW vETLFactSalesData AS SELECT T1.[SalesOrderID] , [SalesOrderDetailID] , T3.[CustomerKey] , T4.[ProductKey] , [OrderDateKey] = T5.CalendarDateKey , [ShipDateKey] = T6.CalendarDateKey , [OrderQty] , [UnitPrice] , [UnitPriceDiscount] FROM [AdventureWorksLT2012].[SalesLT].[SalesOrderDetail] as T1 JOIN [AdventureWorksLT2012].[SalesLT].[SalesOrderHeader] as T2 ON T1.[SalesOrderID] = T2.[SalesOrderID] JOIN [DWAdventureWorksLT2012Lab01].[dbo].[DimCustomers] as T3 ON T2.[CustomerID] = T3.[CustomerID] JOIN [DWAdventureWorksLT2012Lab01].[dbo].[DimProducts] as T4 ON T4.[ProductID] = T1.[ProductID] JOIN [DWAdventureWorksLT2012Lab01].[dbo].[DimDates] as T5 ON Cast(T5.CalendarDate as Date) = Cast(T2.[OrderDate] as Date) JOIN [DWAdventureWorksLT2012Lab01].[dbo].[DimDates] as T6 ON Cast(T6.CalendarDate as Date) = Cast(T2.[ShipDate] as Date) go --********************************************************************-- -- Create an ETL Stored Procedures --********************************************************************-- If (object_id('pETLProcedureTemplate') is not null) Drop Procedure pETLProcedureTemplate; go CREATE -- ETL Stored Procedure Template PROCEDURE pETLProcedureTemplate AS /************************************************************** Desc: <Desc Goes Here> ChangeLog: When, Who, What 20160101,RRoot,Created Procedure **************************************************************/ Begin -- Procedure Code Declare @RC int = 0; Begin Try Begin Transaction; -- ETL Code ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ETL Code ------------------------------------------------------------------- Commit Transaction; Set @RC = 100; -- Success End Try Begin Catch Rollback Tran; Set @RC = -100; -- Failure End Catch Return @RC; End -- Procedure Code ; go If (object_id('pETLFillDimCustomers') is not null) Drop Procedure pETLFillDimCustomers; go CREATE -- ETL Stored Procedure for DimCustomers PROCEDURE pETLFillDimCustomers -- < Add Code here to complete the stored procedure > AS INSERT INTO [DWAdventureWorksLT2012Lab01].[dbo].[DimCustomers] ( [CustomerID] , [CompanyName] , [ContactFullName] ) SELECT [CustomerID] , [CompanyName] , [ContactFullName] FROM [DWAdventureWorksLT2012Lab01].[dbo].[vETLDimCustomersData] go If (object_id('pETLFillDimProducts') is not null) Drop Procedure pETLFillDimProducts; go CREATE -- ETL Stored Procedure for DimProducts PROCEDURE pETLFillDimProducts --< Add Code here to complete the stored procedure > AS INSERT INTO [DWAdventureWorksLT2012Lab01].[dbo].[DimProducts] ( [ProductID] , [ProductName] , [ProductColor] , [ProductListPrice] , [ProductSize] , [ProductWeight] , [ProductCategoryID] , [ProductCategoryName] ) SELECT [ProductID] , [ProductName] , [ProductColor] , [ProductListPrice] , [ProductSize] , [ProductWeight] , [ProductCategoryID] , [ProductCategoryName] FROM [DWAdventureWorksLT2012Lab01].[dbo].[vETLDimProductsData] go If (object_id('pETLFillFactSales') is not null) Drop Procedure pETLFillFactSales; go CREATE -- ETL Stored Procedure for FactSales PROCEDURE pETLFillFactSales --< Add Code here to complete the stored procedure > AS INSERT INTO [DWAdventureWorksLT2012Lab01].[dbo].[FactSales] ( [SalesOrderID] , [SalesOrderDetailID] , [CustomerKey] , [ProductKey] , [OrderDateKey] , [ShipDateKey] , [OrderQty] , [UnitPrice] , [UnitPriceDiscount] ) SELECT [SalesOrderID] , [SalesOrderDetailID] , [CustomerKey] , [ProductKey] , [OrderDateKey] , [ShipDateKey] , [OrderQty] , [UnitPrice] , [UnitPriceDiscount] FROM [DWAdventureWorksLT2012Lab01].[dbo].[vETLFactSalesData] go --********************************************************************-- -- Drop Foreign Key Constraints --********************************************************************-- ALTER TABLE dbo.FactSales DROP CONSTRAINT fkFactSalesToDimProducts; ALTER TABLE dbo.FactSales DROP CONSTRAINT fkFactSalesToDimCustomers; ALTER TABLE dbo.FactSales DROP CONSTRAINT fkFactSalesOrderDateToDimDates; ALTER TABLE dbo.FactSales DROP CONSTRAINT fkFactSalesShipDateDimDates; --********************************************************************-- -- Clear Table Data --********************************************************************-- TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.FactSales; TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.DimCustomers; TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.DimProducts; --********************************************************************-- -- Fill Dimension Tables --********************************************************************-- -- DimCustomers Declare @ReturnCode int Execute @ReturnCode = pETLFillDimCustomers Select [Return Status for pETLFillDimCustomers ] = @ReturnCode go -- DimProducts Declare @ReturnCode int Execute @ReturnCode = pETLFillDimProducts Select [Return Status for pETLFillDimProducts] = @ReturnCode go --********************************************************************-- -- Fill Fact Tables --********************************************************************-- -- Fill Fact Sales Declare @ReturnCode int Execute @ReturnCode = pETLFillFactSales Select [Return Status for pETLFillFactSales] = @ReturnCode go --********************************************************************-- -- Replace Foreign Key Constraints --********************************************************************-- ALTER TABLE dbo.FactSales ADD CONSTRAINT fkFactSalesToDimProducts FOREIGN KEY (ProductKey) REFERENCES dbo.DimProducts (ProductKey); ALTER TABLE dbo.FactSales ADD CONSTRAINT fkFactSalesToDimCustomers FOREIGN KEY (CustomerKey) REFERENCES dbo.DimCustomers (CustomerKey); ALTER TABLE dbo.FactSales ADD CONSTRAINT fkFactSalesOrderDateToDimDates FOREIGN KEY (OrderDateKey) REFERENCES dbo.DimDates(CalendarDateKey); ALTER TABLE dbo.FactSales ADD CONSTRAINT fkFactSalesShipDateDimDates FOREIGN KEY (ShipDateKey) REFERENCES dbo.DimDates (CalendarDateKey); --********************************************************************-- -- Verify that the tables are filled --********************************************************************-- -- Dimension Tables SELECT * FROM [DWAdventureWorksLT2012Lab01].[dbo].[DimCustomers]; SELECT * FROM [DWAdventureWorksLT2012Lab01].[dbo].[DimProducts]; SELECT * FROM [DWAdventureWorksLT2012Lab01].[dbo].[DimDates]; -- Fact Tables SELECT * FROM [DWAdventureWorksLT2012Lab01].[dbo].[FactSales];
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